Case Study: Breamish Valley Cottages
March 25, 2019

Case Study: Breamish Valley Cottages

Nestled in the idyllic Northumberland countryside is Breamish Valley Cottages. Offering luxury yet affordable self-catering holiday cottages and onsite leisure facilities, Breamish Valley Cottages gives its visitors an escape from the stresses of modern life in the most peaceful and relaxing rural surroundings. The people behind creating this haven for visitors is the Moralee family.

After leaving the farming sector 25 years ago, the Moralee family bought a self-catering business that consisted of seven cottages which became Breamish Valley Cottages. Since then, the family has built up the business which now has 14 cottages ranging in size from sleeping two to eight people. Aiming to attract the luxury end of the market, they have added a leisure club, tennis courts and an adventure playground for children to enjoy in that time. There’s also a swimming pool is ideal for families, particularly when the rain comes and at colder times of year.

With plans to continue to expand their business, the Moralees have worked closely with their accountants, EQ (from Douglas Home & Company), for over a decade to ensure they are optimising their business from a financial perspective.

“We sought out the services from the team at EQ when the accountants we were working with were bought over by a London-based firm,” explained Peter Moralee, Senior. We felt that we had lost that personal touch with our accountants that we also liked. I remember seeing an advert for EQ in Agrimart magazine. My first thought was that they were local to us, so I picked up the phone.”

Since then, EQ has provided the Moralees with support and advice in Inheritance Tax planning, Tax Advisory services as well as a range of business advice. “We always have projects on the go, so there’s always plenty to discuss, from changing bank provider to how to introduce family members into the business,” Peter said. “Our accountant, Sheryl Macaulay, is a great person to bounce business ideas around with. While providing us with standard accountancy services, Sheryl’s business advice is always very helpful and welcomed.”

As well as meeting annually to review the company accounts, Sheryl, a tax expert at EQ, visits Peter and his family when they need any kind of financial advice.“Just a few weeks ago, Sheryl came through to us to provide her expertise as we have begun running a café and bar onsite, which has different tax treatments,” Peter added. “We get on well with Sheryl, and the level of personal contact is very good. The team are only a phone call away and is always easy to access if we have a question or need some advice. The personal service EQ provides really stands out.”

For more information about our services, contact our dedicated team by calling one of our offices.